Turks are not Iranians, their Islamic cinematography has much to be desired. Yet even they, provided sufficient money, can reach Hollywood level entertainment quality, and this movie certainly proves that, so emulating Hollywood, which is typically even more shallow and stupid but shiny and bombastic, is really possible anywhere. What Turks bring to the table is realism, realism in portrayal of american war criminal mentality that plagues the world in the last decades. It is a satisfying antidote to Hollywood stupidity of patriotic shallow stupid pro-Amurican anti everyone else propaganda, and is both technically and morally superior to average CIA propaganda vomit like Black hawk down or Top gun. That being said, it is still a mediocre movie with only its objectivity to elevate it above it.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A commando of Turkish intelligence agents enter Irak to avenge a real life episode in the war where Turkish soldiers were arrested and blindfolded by American troops. A very good action film, condemned unseen by many in the west, it represents at least a change of pace by showing the Muslims as the good guys and the Americans as the bad guys. The movie is actually very strongly against terrorism (the Sheikh in the movie criticizes the terrorists who wants to behead an American journalist, and prevents this from happening) but is also against American ignorant meddling in the Middle East. Most of all, though, Valley of the Wolves is a terrific action movie. And Billy Zane - who has apologized to the American press for appearing in this film - has actually one of the best performances in his career as a real meanie.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
The movie achieved it's goal, at least if you've looked over some of the comments here! The Yanks are furious, they call it a lie and propaganda. They are so brainwashed by they're so called "free media" (read - owned by the rich moguls close to the federal government) that seeing a different aspect of "The Great US Iraq crusade" is making them angry. But - at least - it plants a seed of doubt of their own government's intentions and actions abroad. So the movie has already achieved it's goal - made the people think and doubt the official propaganda that Bush's administration feeds to them.To say a few words about the movie itself - well, it's definitely NOT a masterpiece of the cinema. But it's provocative and brave - that is more than enough.Way to go, Turks! 10 points to you!